
The most colour I could find today in the garden.* True there are daffs but they are looking pretty knocked about after a day of yet more grey and rain. This is a kind of rhodo and a very early one. Last year it had no flowers but this years it's bursting. They normally pop out and get totally frosted so we shall see.
No blip yesterday as I had a big and rather emotional day. Finola had come home for the night to gather essential things and I drove her back to Cork. We both has a bit of a weep when we saw each other - I was shocked for she has been so brave and there she was, totally battered with a massive black eye and heavy bruising all over the place - the seatbelt mainly it seems. And then there were the staples in her head. 20 of them. She couldn't remember how that happened. 
We talked, we had strong coffee and buns, we stopped of in Seasalt (just missing Michael) and brought a few essentials, then dropped her stuff off in Carrigaline where she's staying with her cousin. Then I drove her to the hospital - mad traffic and parking - and then we went to see Robert. Finola had tried to prepare me but I was very distressed to see him laid so low. Having said that, the team looking after him are all very positive and impressed with his progress, so I must cling on to that.  He is conscious and aware but exhausted. I had another little weep in the car park, found somewhere for a strong tea and then drove home. 
This morning we collected their other car, which they had thankfully held on to, and took it to Ballydehob for a bit of attention so at least they will have transport when they come home. 
And Finola has quickly browsed Blip and was very touched by all your kind comments and wishes of support. I think it really does help.
* I really ought to check the challenge  - for some reason I thought it was colour. It seems it's wide and high which this is!

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