Prayer room Preps

The entire day has been spent setting up the prayer room, it looks so great now. Danny went and bought loads of chicken wire and we've covered a big area and made a new prayer wall. Hopefully there's lots of potential for creativity and different ways for people to engage with the Holy Spirit.
Danny and Nate headed off late afternoon to go to football training. The good news is it's less intense than we thought, and as long as we're OK with him not playing on Saturdays (full team) then there's no prob. Fine with us, we just want him to enjoy it and enjoy the end of training kick around.
Mitch moves out tomorrow, it'll be odd to have him not living with us but not in prison either!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Everyone working so hard today, Nate included. He wrote something to put on the prayer wall. I read it at the end of the day - "you might not feel it, but you are so loved."
2) Moments of utter hilarity, tears down our faces, with Gemma.
3) Asha having an amazing time. I've had videos of her skiing down a little slope!! 

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