Recycled blips

Another EB... A collage of 2 of the verses printed onto pics that we'll have with in the prayer room, along with other verses too. In the 2 languages.
A full full day. Asha left early, in the pitch black... She had a safe journey and seems to be enjoying everything!
I had ES coffee and studying, then prayer room prep. Community dinner and then my chaplaincy zoom. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Seeing Ls face light up when we went to buy cake together this morning. She'd been asleep under our stairs. Her face lit up again when I asked her how I could pray for her today.
2) Seeing another friend from the streets who we've not seen for a while - sounding happier than the last few times.
3) Nate enjoying training tonight... Though apparently it's very much a 2 way trial... We'd not really realised he was on trial for them. Where are the low key fun clubs?! 

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