Face-Off at the Bird Table!

I was about to take an abstract photo for Ingeborg's challenge when I saw the jackdaws having a face-off at the bird table, so I just had to change my mind and take some shots.This is my favourite: the one on the table is standing its ground but the one in the air is determined to come in to land for its share. (Happily they ended up both having a good meal.)

And an update on my bad knee: many thanks for the supportive comments last week. I saw my lovely physio last Thursday who did a full assessment gave me some exercises to do and it's already much better. I saw him again today and he was very pleased with my progress - although as a typical physio(!) he's given me even more exercises to do now (they do seem to like inflicting pain!). He's even determined to get me back to jogging which I gave up because of my knees 7 years ago...maybe, we'll see about that ;-))

This is the last day of the February Mono Month Challenge so I can do a colour blip tomorrow - hurray! I only slipped up once on 13th Feb when I got carried away with playing with my food and forgot about it. It's been fun and a good learning time and I'm grateful to Skeena for popularising it and to Rainie for egging me on to fo it!

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