W-I-D-E on Wednesday: Wide & High (Leap year)

For today's Widwed blip I picked up my camera and leapt up onto the desk by the window of my little "study" at the back of the house (well, maybe "leapt" is a bit of an exaggeration with my rather dicky knees but I claim a bit of poetic licence!). As you can see I then took this wide fisheye photo from a high vantage point, looking down on our derelict veggie box site. Our lovely local workman came this morning to start the demolition of the rotting boxes and trellises and in about 4 hours he did as much as it would have taken me 4 weeks to do. At the bottom of the photo you can just see some of the cut-up trellises propped against the wall, along with a bag of vegetation which he had to cut away to get the trellises out. He's already started to dig out the old posts (which were embedded in concrete) and will be back tomorrow to continue the work. The reconstruction will however probably be delayed until April for a variety of reasons, but it's good to see the work starting.
And you can see the car sitting patiently waiting to be taken to the garage next Tuesday for the replacement of its slipping clutch...I'm hoping I can nurse it all the way there (about a mile) without it packing up completely!
Thanks of course to AndrewNZ for hosting Widwed this month and to Marlieske for looking after Derelict Sunday.

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