Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

moomin time

I had a reasonable night last night, not enough sleep but that was because I was restless in a strange bed. The girls were up around 6.45 and I held out for a little longer. When I went down they'd had breakfast with mum before she headed off to her clinic in Dumfries, and were dressed. Eilidh watching Minecraft videos on her iPad and Isobel a dancing video on the TV.
We had a pleasant hour then set off for school. In the interim I had performed my duty and done their hair. Both girls have hair to their waist and Isobel's in particular is very thick. Both Mum and Dad are skilled at french plaits.... I gave them high pony tails, the full extent of my abilities in that field!
I went back to bed after I got home and slept for an hour or so. At lunchtime Colin and I headed out to get some lunch with no particular destination in mind. Dodging roadworks as we drove across town, we some how ended up on the Peebles Road.
We wandered the streets briefly and having failed to find Coltman's open, we went into the Tontine for a bowl of soup. Sadly the soup of the day was cauliflower which does not agree with me. I opted instead for a delicious starter portion of liver with pancetta, mushrooms and onion on toasted sourdough. It wasn't actually sourdough but I was quite happy with that. It was delicious and I'll certainly have it again if it's on the menu. The starter portion was plenty for my lunch.
We headed back up the road after checking the Save the Children shop for Pukes, Bears or Chimps but none were in sight.
The Moomins spotted in a Peebles shop window, are for Hazelh who, as I recall, is rather fond of them. I remember borrowing all the Tove Jansson books from Blackhall library when I was a child. The same library I would go to now, were it not closed indefinitely as a result of RAAC concrete. Very sad as it was a busy, bright, purpose built library and a real community hub.
We've had a lazy evening and thoroughly enjoyed catching up with Monday's quizzes. Jenny Ryan (the Chase) was instantly recognisable on the 2011 edition of Only Connect. I did particularly well with the questions tonight, It's either a feast or a famine for me. I was pleased with the winning team on UC too.
Looking forward, after a warm bath, to a good sleep in my own bed tonight.

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