Cranes on Cloud Crane

You hear them calling, and then you search the skies for them - with my phone, couldn't even see them on the screen, but loved the way that, in this one, they seem to be outlining a cloud that looks like a bird in flight.

This is standing just outside our house, looking up our flower-strewn Land.

Feeling fairly rotten today, not slept well in ages, stressing over things - today it was the English class at the Universidade Sénior - haven't worked out a pattern for the classes yet - each of the three times it's been totally different. Same for the online classes on Tuesday nights.

And then, was going to book ferry to England as soon as Conference stress over, but reluctant to commit when we have no idea when we'll get our car back - Mike heard a horror story about something similar where it took two years.

Anyway, still, lots to be grateful for:
- fun in the English class, trying to get them all to learn "Chocolate makes everybody happy" (which I don't even agree with), and then substitute chocolate for other things
- learning how to put a video onto the interactive whiteboard (old dog, new tricks)
- that it's raining well in Trapiá in the drought-stricken Sertão of NE Brazil, where we used to live, and the joy of folk there

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