A snack

Even though it was 3:45 this afternoon when I got home from work, I decided to go for a walk at Shubie. It's the first time I have been there in a month. Between working and the weather I haven't had a chance to walk very much. But it was partly sunny and the temperature was up to +7 C and I wanted out.

I really should have taken my own vehicle to Bridgewater today because when we left the store there was blue sky and in the sun the temperature was +10 C. That is several degrees above normal for this time of year. And the forecast is clouds and showers for tomorrow, a high of +9, rain on Thursday and +10. Cold and sunny on Friday, then back to +4 and sunshine on Saturday. Hopefully with temperatures like this, a lot of the snow will melt.

One more day of hair color relines, then 5 more days of work with CI, then I get a break for a few weeks. I am thinking about planning an overnight trip somewhere later in March.

The roommate came upstairs this afternoon and told me that he realized that one of the tubes on his CPAP machine was loose, and that's why I have been hearing him snore. When he would move in his sleep it was coming undone. Now we will see if I continue to hear him snore. He is quiet tonight, he must have fallen asleep. At least I don't hear his voice, he's been talking to someone on the phone most evenings.

My real estate agent got things updated today, so now I will get an email if a mini home in the area I want comes on the market.

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