Chilly, Damp and Quiet

I was a bit tired after my grandson's visit so I had a good night's sleep and awoke to a rainy, cold day. I was supposed to take Sophie the cat for her rescheduled vaccination, and asked my ex to come over to help me get her into the carrier. He couldn't do it either, and he has two good arms/hands! I should have given her a bit of gabapentin to calm her down. We'll try again next weekend with calming drugs and a different carrier. 

I managed to mirror my iPad to my television, quite easily actually, so I can now do exercise classes in my living room, where there's a lot more room. That felt like a great accomplishment! Then worked on my computer for much of the afternoon. 

I bought these tulips earlier this week and put them outside so I could get a drippy blip. They're quite lovely I think.

Hope you've all had great weekends!

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