Place: Largo, FL 56/70
Main activity: Sat - misc
Notes: Up earlier than usual and nice to just get up and start getting things done. Did a couple loads of laundry (washed the pillows, guess you're supp to do it several times a year). Dried them a bit off and on all day but didn't dry easily. Went to the pool and was able to stay an extra 10 min today - skin feeling better, nice direct warm sun. Made a big batch of salmon patties from the wild salmon Linda got me at Costco. Had to let them thaw a bit before I could cut the skins off and then cubed them. Later I chopped up more thinking I wouldn't put them in VitaMix but in the end I did, with all the other ingredients - had a big pink bowl that made about 8 or 9 patties. Also steamed a big pot of broccoli - all came out quite good. Busy day overall, also made another batch of almond butter fat bombs w/ toasted pumpkin seeds (and then cleaning up the bowl later, remembered the pillows were still in the dryer and somehow got some chocolately fingerprints on the one not drying well at all!). Also had salmon on a drawer front and side - just seemed like I made lots of unusual messes today! Got the bike ready in the afternoon. Monthly Community Zoom then s/ Jo & Susan, jumped on early and chatted w/ Jo and then the group went from 3p-525p. Tired early and went to bed a little after 9p.

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