In Glossop

A day and and evening out in Glossop, at the 'Dark Peak Photo Festival' -
Richard and I drove out first thing in the morning; then he came home after lunch, and Jack drove over for the evening. So I was free to enjoy the day with no driving to do - a real treat.
The festival is a new venture, put together by a network of artists in the Glossop area.  I had a photo on show as part of the 'open call' strand of the festival: selected photos were displayed in shop windows in the town centre, inviting visitors to explore both the town and the images on display. A lovely idea. 
Apart from that, there were some great exhibitions and some inspiring talks.   I particularly liked Ciara Leeming's talk and exhibition, and the evening talk by Paul Hill.  Links here, well worth following up if you haven't come across them before:
As the sun shone all day, it was easy to walk from venue to venue, enjoying the local sights on the way.  Usually I've only experienced Glossop as a somewhat dark former mill town that I've driven through on journeys to Manchester and to North Wales.  In fact, it's a lively place with a wide range of community networks and some lovely old streets.
Especially good finds included the community-run secondhand bookshop on George St and A'bout Thyme cafe on High St West.
I don't want to end the entry without acknowledging the anniversary of Putin's full-scale invasion of Ukraine (see first extra for a local Glossop resident's views). 
In the second extra, the local river runs through a large park, nudging the tops of its banks after all the recent rainfall.

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