Frieda, Simone and Luca

I spent the time from breakfast till after lunch at Jack and Marianna's.  Josh came over with Luca too.
When I arrived, Frieda was making a potion at the kitchen table. Later, she and Luca played contentedly, alternating between performing crazy 'shows' in the living-room and playing with F's toys upstairs.  They used to compete a lot, but they seem to have grown out of that and to have evolved a steadier and happier way of playing together.
Meanwhile, I took Simone for a walk in the baby sling when she needed a nap. This happened at the perfect time for a late morning snack for me, so I popped into the new bakery down the road and came out with a huge cardamom bun.  I ate that on the way back up the hill, as it's best to keep moving when S needs to sleep.  With luck the calories burned in striding along with S will have somewhat balanced out the calories in the bun...
Otherwise... like others, I've been dismayed by the chaos in Parliament over the votes on motions about Gaza this week. Rationally, all the major parties should have been able to agree on the urgent need for a ceasefire (whatever form of words you choose), and just get on with it. Instead, we had an undignified circus. While more and more tragedy unfolds.  When I enjoy times with my own grandchildren, like today, thoughts turn again and again to all those children who are being killed in Gaza.

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