
Danny and Nate's morning consisted of watching a kids team play football...Nate's hoping to maybe join them if he can get over his nerves. They then went to the library for Catalan storytelling. Asha and I headed to Can Moreta for her to finish homework and for me to do a little bit of studying. 
Later in the day Letesia popped round for an unplanned cup of tea and catch up. Great to hear about her hols... And at 6 Claire came over for us and the kids to come watch the moonrise. I've added an extra of it coming up. The kids loved it. Claire babysat whilst we went out for dinner for a friend's 40th, Mitch came too! I met a really lovely couple who've just moved into Sa Penya! Utterly fascinating to hear their reflections on the place. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Time with just Asha.
2) The joy of watching the moon rise.
3) Danny being brilliant and ferrying Nate round his various activities today.

*4) Meeting this lovely couple  - I feel like they could become good friends.

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