Not A Fluffy Kitten

Teddy Bear Picnic at playgroup this morning for the Cygnet and Bags - we SWMBO and I took Squirrel off to the garden centre for breakfast ( 2 sausages and an egg in a roll for me) where we used our coupons for free tea/coffee
£1.99 each ......... very good value I would say.

Squirrel went nuts wanting to play with the hens after we had finished eating.

In the afternoon I took Bags and the kids to arrange buying boxes and bubble-wrap for their house move.
After that it was off to one of the local playparks for a while (which is where the blip was taken. before i dropped them off back at home before heading back to pick up the stuff (it wouldn't fit in the car with passengers.

This evening it was first camera club committee executive meeting with me in the chair.
There were some fairly fundamental changes agreed on although a couple of them didn't go far enough ........... this year - the chnges are to be phased in over the next couple of years.
I am also going to be upsetting some of the members when I tell them the decision of one of the changes.

Time for a beer while I figure out the best way to break the news without losing some members.

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