the colour green

By jukeys


All the spring flowers are still out here in the Drome. Normally they've been well and truly burned out of the ground by the searingly hot sun by now...

Thankfully, however, we're still getting to see poppies all over the place, and marguerites too!

Up early to let the hens and Ziza out. Leo had to wait a while for his walk as I had some computer stuff to do.

Walked down to the garden and watered a bit. Picked a lettuce, two courgettes, three radishes and the first pea! :)

Lunch on the terrace: the last of the quiche I'd made the other night, plus a big salad of all the harvested ingredients I'd just picked.

Took Leo into Nyons to go to the vet about his sneezing. The vet pretty much said that if he's still sneezing today, it means there's something stuck up his nose. It's most likely one of these things: Pierre calls them 'les spigaous'.

When a dog is sniffing around a lot (as they do!), these things can go in to their noses and then work their way up (and up) into the dog's nasal cavity. Given the chevron-like shape, they just keep going and don't come back down apart from with the aid of a pair of vet's tweezers.

So, poor Leo was told by the vet today that if he continues to sneeze (I have to keep a close eye on him) over the next couple of days, he'll have to be knocked out in order that the vet can remove the spikelet (as it's apparently called in English!). If they aren't removed, they can stay far up in the nasal cavity and cause a really dangerous abscess.

Let's hope he's stopped sneezing by Friday...

Baked fresh pitta breads tonight. Left the dough to rise and nipped down to the garden to water a bit more - the tomatoes needed done.

The pittas turned out well - maybe a wee bit overdone, but not bad for the first time making them.

The mistral is bonkers tonight!

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