Jelly ears!

A local forager wrote on Instagram that she had found them, I thought I recognised the place so Rosie and I set forth this morning (also in an effort to not get in Tracy the cleaners way, first world problems). I found three batches, they are weird little things, it was a very lovely walk.

Before that was the mad exercise thing. They were talking on the radio this morning the difference between vigorous and moderate exercise. Apparently if you are doing vigorous exercise you can’t manage any other thoughts in your head. It was totally that.

That all wore me out a little so I did some puzzle, planned out de-damping the kitchen, cleaned a bit more of my office. Then decided enough activity and watched some afternoon telly (iPlayer, the space shuttle that fell to earth, v good).

Then a visit and chit chat with my mummy, Italian where I have forgotten everything again and now I’m watching the marvellous Joe Lycett and Sewage.

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