
Smithers had a physio appointment this afternoon so we walked down the road to the Broadway together and then he went off to the clinic and I popped in to the Post Office to buy some large letter stamps. (I often need to use these when I’m sending cards with bows or other embellishments on them, because they’re just a bit too thick for standard letter size, but I had run out.)

I then walked up a fairly steep hill to join Warner’s Path, where I continued along our usual walking route, diverting through Harts Grove. I was rewarded with plenty of birdsong, which included a siskin, wren and blackcap among several others. As I looked around me, I was very conscious of how fast everything is growing. The flowers of the Clematis armandii that I photographed two days ago are now almost out, and there were tiny green buds sprouting on the branches of so many different trees and bushes that I passed. I was amazed to see these muscari blooms too. I have an area planted en masse with muscari in my garden, but they’re in a shady area, and are nothing like as forward in their growth as these. 

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