Song sparrow

It was Heritage Day here in Nova Scotia and I actually had the day off. Even though the stores are closed I have worked at Walmart on the holiday the past few years. Some of the others were working, I decided not to volunteer.

I woke up to a few cm of new snow overnight and blue skies this morning. The squirrel was other there looking for an early breakfast so I put the feeders out before I started my own morning routine. Later on today a couple of song sparrows came for a visit.

I went to the first executive meeting for the photo society today. As an executive, they seem to have things organized. I joined during covid when most meetings were held on zoom, so it took longer for me to get to know some of the members. And for them to get to know me. Now they are having in person meetings again, and field trips are being planned. Over the past year I attended most meetings, and submitted photos for the photo exhibit and submit some photos to be shown for the monthly theme slideshow.  So when the secretary position became vacant, my name came up as a possible volunteer. The president is also a gardener, so we will get along well. After the executive meeting we went to Tim's for a social time.

Later this afternoon I did go for a drive. I had hoped to stop somewhere to go for a walk, but the wind had come up again. so I only stopped long enough to get a few photos at a couple of places.

I realized that I cannot complain too much about the snow clearing on my street. It was plowed and salted early this morning. The residential streets I had to take to get to the executive meeting had not been plowed this morning.

Back to work tomorrow. Sunshine and cool temperatures in the forecast for a couple of days. The 7 day forecast has rain (25 - 30 mm) in the forecast for Friday evening.

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