Last day of London visit

Our last day in London - returning to Edinburgh on the early evening train from Euston. We dropped our suitcases at our son's flat then had breakfast at Bibi's in Camden Passage - a favourite haunt of our son and his friends. We then walked from Islington to Bloomsbury to visit the Charles Dickens museum and, to be honest, we were a little disappointed. It had lots of his personal effects, including the desk where he wrote some of his most famous works, but we agreed that we would liked to have learned more about the timeline of his books and what influenced him/them. Interesting for a visit, but fairly expensive for what it was.

Afterwards, we walked back to Islington via Regent's Canal and Coal Drops Yard as OH wanted to visit a record shop there. We had lunch at my son's local pub (it's really sweet that he wants to take us to all the places he goes so that we can understand his life here) and then it was time to collect our stuff from his flat and head to the station. It's been a wonderful few days in London, and lovely to see our son settled, happy and enjoying life to the full. 

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