Modelling Sunglasss

After a leisurely start with Wendy in the Dower House, we dared to grace Söderberg for the first hot drink of the day before she disappeared with her daughter and granddaughter to the museum while I went to have passport photos taken in the booth at the post office. I had finally got the bit between my teeth and decided to get my passport renewal form filled in and sent off. It’s stood on my desk for long enough along with my driving licence renewal form. The latter will have to wait.

Daughter #1 and my granddaughter unexpectedly popped in half an hour before I was to meet my school friend for lunch which was bad timing to say the least. 
My granddaughter had been cited as a witness in a trial at the Sheriff Court this morning for an assault case which took place about 2 years ago and having taken a day off work was told at the last moment that the case had been cancelled. There was only enough time for a quick cup of coffee before we all went our separate ways.

Lunch with goat’s cheese and roasted peppers gave me the energy to send off the filled in the passport renewal application with the help of the PO service. I am now breathing a sigh of relief while awaiting the return of the Orkney wanderer. 
Fish is on the menu tonight.

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