Northern flicker

This is one of 3 northern flickers in my yard. This morning while I was sitting here checking my email and watching the birds I saw one flicker go one way off the deck and another one go in the opposite direction and there was still one sitting on the railing. It happened in seconds, so no time to even pick up my camera. I posted on FB that I have 3 squirrels, 3 pine warblers and now I have 3 northern flickers. Here is what one friend commented: According to numerology ... "Wherever the number 3 shows up in your life, it's generally an omen of creativity, communication, optimism, and curiosity."

It's been a cold and windy day, the temperature this afternoon reached -5 C and with the wind it felt much colder. Even though it was sunny I didn't want to spend much time outside, so I came home after brunch and have been inside ever since.

A few changes to the schedule for this week. One of the workers had a death in the family so he has to leave for the funeral on Wednesday morning, which means my manager has to find another worker for me on Thursday. Plus there are only 2 people available to go to Bridgewater with me on Tuesday, so we will only plan to do one store instead of 2. The second store can be moved to the following week, but I won't be available.

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