Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Sunday Monday, Happy Days

The first Sunday in Lent today and the 4th anniversary of our Rector's Institution. I was in India at the time and although involved in his recruitment missed his actual arrival, then 3 weeks later we were in lockdown. He had a strange first couple of years. I'd met them before I left and organised a couple of weeks of meals to be cooked and delivered to them after they arrived with their 6 week old daughter.
Today our young assistant organist was playing. He's in 5th year at school and it's great to have him play for us .
This afternoon Colin and I went down to Stockbridge, it seemed very busy. We had coffee in Soderberg then on our way back to the car spotted the subject of my blip! He looked like he was posing, but he may just have come out for a break whichever, I couldn't resist.
I had lined up a colourful trio of dogs (see extra) for my blip, but this guy pipped them at the post.
We popped into Katy's on the way home to welcome them home from their skiing holiday in France. It's been a poor season for snow but they made the right choice of resort and so were skiing every day
After I got home I finished off the marmalade. It's nicely set thank goodness.

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