My paternal grandparents

The weather was so changeable again today..rain, sun, showers etc. Lots of rain overnight which woke me up.

My husband cooked a lovely roast as usual and as well as my daughter and family we also had  a second cousin and her daughter to lunch. We have not seen them for ages as she lives in Gloucestershire but her daughter lives in Putney so she came too.

I did a bit more family history on my father’s side…. This is the only photo I have of his parents when they were was taken before my father and his sister were born. They don’t look like farmers in this photo! My grandmother was the chief cheese maker, my grandfather had dairy cows and pigs. He was also a dealer and sent cattle and pigs on the train to the London markets. He also was very involved with the local hunt so kept quite a few horses and went hunting several times a week. 

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