Homegrown leeks

At last the weather was OK to go to the allotment and meet my friend that I share it with. We wanted to tidy the shed and clean it up a bit together! The only thing we still have growing ready to harvest is the leeks so we both took some home. They do need a  lot more cleaning than shop ones!
I also dug up a few clumps of forget me nots which self seed profusely every year, I then planted them in pots and in my balcony planters at home.

My new strimmer is amazing compared to the old one it seems to run for about five times as long on the rechargeable battery and cuts so much better too. No excuse now not to keep the paths tidy! The previous one was about 2009 vintage so the technology has moved on lots since then.

This afternoon I did a bit more sorting of ( and deleting) photos and a few more pages in my 2023 Photobook. 

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