Friday at Faskally

Beautiful day, so decided we needed a nice walk and came up with Faskally, at Pitlochry, a half hour drive from the house. Stopping off first at the Aran Bakery in Dunkeld for a pastry and coffee. It owned by Flora , a lady who was on Bake Off a number of years ago and the bakery goods are fabulous.

In the the car park at the Dam Visitors centre and a walk sliding Loch Faskally and on to the little loch at the Enchanted Forest area. It was stunning, feel very grateful that this is a short distance from us and am able to enjoy the outdoors and the scenery. Further in we stopped at the river and sat with my back against a fallen tree and read my book. It was so peaceful and therapeutic, wonderful.

We were starving once we arrived back in Pitlochry. Walked for a couple of hours and found a good Cafe and I had their soup and S a sandwich. Had a look in their charity shops for an another jigsaw and got one.

Good drive home and a cuppa with the carry out scone from the cafe and S had their carrot cake.

Finished off our jigsaw and dam there was a missing piece, first time we have had this from the charity shop ones.

Coming up to the end of our Yellowstone viewing and the last of it is t due till November this year.

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