
By analogconvert13

Marking Gauge. Leitz Summicron 50mm DR

I have been dimensioning  lengths of walnut to be used for the frame of a blanket chest.  To standardize all the thicknesses and widths, I use different marking gauges, of which I have five...  Each one is set just once for its particular measure, and they will stay that way until the project is complete.  This way, it is possible to standardize the dimensions, and make cutting the  joinery more uniform and efficient.  This one is the oldest, a family heirloom.  I decided to give it a nice coat of shellac and wax to spruce it up.  The maker's mark emerged from the grime: an American Stanley.  A quick search online revealed that the #61 Sweetheart line with this particular stamp on the tool, was made between 1930 and 1936.  This ties in rather nicely with family history.  My aunt, her husband and kids left South Africa for the U.K. in 1948, abandoning a lot of their household possessions.  I have long believed that this tool, and a few others in my collection belonged to my uncle.  The gauge is made of beech, the thumb screw for adjustment, of boxwood with a thread cut into the wood.  They don't make things that way any longer.  Since I have so many of these tools, all of them very different, it may be a nice Blip project to present them here.
The Extra is a close-up of the Sweetheart mark through the fabulous Leica-Lumix 45mm Macro-Elmarit

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