Happy 14th Birthday L

Hard to believe we have a 14 year old now!  MrsT and I did the early morning dog walk with H before opening some cards before, yes, you guessed it, I jumped down to parkrun, got home straight after (no socialising) then continued with the cards/gifts.

I made a pot of cock o' leekie soup and just as well.  The in-laws and my mum came to visit so thankfully there was enough to go round...just!

We then picked up L's friend A and we went into Edinburgh to St James Quarter.  The girls did some shopping then we went ten pin bowling and crazy golfing at Lane 7 before dinner at Bonnie and Wild.

Back home and the girls are having a sleepover so are upstairs with face masks and chill music on.  I had to hard reset my Garmin Fenix as had a problem but can also chill now.

14 years......how did that just happen!!

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