An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Love is in the air...

A rather lovely day :-))

Three valentines arrived for Alan!  He was very happy.  He is convinced one of his secret admirers is Tess Daly :D  He was also happy to give Christine her Valentine gift ( You are the chosen one mug :-)  She was very chuffed.

We were sent a beautiful handmade (including the envelope) Valentine from our lovely blip Pal.  Thank you P,  you are so thoughtful and very talented! 

Ele and Kenny arrived just after 4.30pm.  We had time for a chat and a G&T when it turned Gin O'clock, before heading to the golf club to have dinner.  It was a fabulous evening of good food, chat and laughter.  

We were reminiscing about all the holidays we had in France together when the children were growing up, starting with camping at Dol de Bretagne in 1994!  So many happy memories.  

By the end of the conversation Kenny someone had suggested that we should go back and have a holiday in France next year, this time sans children.  This seems like a splendid idea!  We miss holidaying together (they have a lovely holiday house in Spain so now spend all their holidays there.  I've never been as I don't fly) but two weeks in France would be lovely, and we can get there by ferry and road :-)  We will invite our mutual friends Alan and Gail as they and their kids joined us many times (it's their daughter I am crocheting the wedding cuddle blanket for) but they are in New Zealand at the moment so will talk to them about it when they return.  I am sure they will be up for it.

Home for more chat and change into comfy clothes, then as we headed to bed just after mindnight we realised Alan was still up.  Disco lights flashing, he was in party mood!  As I was trying to persuade him it was bedtime chatting to him, the battery in the smoke alarm in the garden room started beeping and Lola went nuts!  She isn't at all bothered by thunder and lightning or fireworks, but one beep from a flat smoke alarm battery and she thinks it's the end of the world!  David went to get ladders while I tried to calm Lola.  She almost jumped straight into my arms.  Alan of course thought all the chaos was hilarious! 

Once D got the battery replaced it was definitely time for bed and even Alan agreed :-)  There was no way Lola was going to settle in the garden room tonight so we took her upstairs and within minutes she was asleep on the floor at David's side of the bed.  

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