
By LadyFindhorn

Spring Has Sprung?

Spring came to Porty today for the final day of the midterm school holidays. The cafés were full to overflowing and the beach busy with children and dogs while all the while the sun shone on us mere  mortals.

I met up with 6 other BlueTits for a glorious romp in a calm sea. After the gales of the weekend a short beach comb revealed several shells with their original  inhabitants (unfortunately very dead) amongst a tangle of seaweed and detritus.

The ladies in the blip and I managed to find a table in the Beach House after our dook for hot drinks before I got a lift part of the way home. There was just enough time to clean my gear before meeting up with the Maggie’s Group in the Art College Cafè.

It being Friday again, nothing is allowed to interfere with the TGIF drinks where I get to hear all the gossip I missed during the week.

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