A time for everything

By turnx3

Wise owl

An emergency blip this evening, featuring my owl candle holder in our family room. I was busy in the morning, doing jobs and making a dessert for this evenings meal. Our friends Jean and Ian arrived about mid afternoon. They are South African by origin, but emigrated to Canada about 20 years ago. They have taken a years leave of absence from their jobs, and with their travel trailer are embarking on a ten month tour of the eastern US and Canada, heading down to Alabama first, then round Florida, up the east coast of the US, and up to Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island etc., returning home near Toronto in November. This is actually their second year- last year they called into see us on their way south and then westwards, and up the west coast. Conversation and fun and laughter flowed freely through the course of the afternoon and evening and over our evening meal. They turned in fairly early after their pretty long drive.

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