Turned Wood

While he was still in school, Simon became a keen woodworker and there are many items around the house created by him at this time. In fact, at one point he wanted to to become a furniture designer, before he settled on his architecture career. 

Each Christmas, there would be a hand crafted gift lovingly made in his ‘workshop’ - the garden shed often supplemented by a tarpaulin-covered outdoor space. 

On this occasion it was a shallow turned wood bowl - a dark red tropical bwood the name of which escapes me. It now sits on our hearth containing precious pebbles, but today I dust it down and oil it back to its original state, its deep sheen catching the light. 

It’s another ‘in the house’ blip - I’m trying to have a few days where I take a minimal number of photographs to give myself a chance to sort through and organise my current stash. I know mid February is rather late for new year resolutions, but I really do need to be more organised this year! 

Baby update: Sunday’s induction was postponed - hopefully things will ‘take their course’ before due date on the 18th! 

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