Haar Today

An enjoyable couple of hours doing very little down on the slip. Though I did get an interesting story from AT (there’s a rarity) about how he helped rescue a woman from Leith Docks opposite The Shore restaurant - he held a guy’s ankle (another fellah held the other ankle) and lowered him head down until he could grab the woman’s outstretched arms (she’d gone into the water to rescue a dog). Sheesh. They clearly need some ladders down there.
After the slip work we hauled the cover back over our workshop tent after it had been removed before the most recent high winds. Quite a job actually, requiring about eight of us to accomplish. 
Then back to read the papers. I remember a guy I worked with mocking revolutionary communist regimes - how they always started with young firebrands but ended with the same guys hanging onto power in their eighties. People like Castro and Gadaffi. A good point - democracies are so very different as we naturally gravitate to leaders who are capable, energetic, sharp, at the top of their game. That should happen, right?

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