A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Horatius' Last Stand

The gardener hadn't been since April. But when he did come, it was with a severity seldom witnessed in horticultural circles.

My oleander hedge, admittedly a little bushy and in need of a trim, but beginning to flower, has been reduced to a row of naked branches and twigs, less than half its former height.

And with its lush green foliage so has gone all my privacy. Whereas before the onslaught, I could not be seen by passers by as they went from the public gardens to the lower levels of the urbanisation, now every prying eye naturally turns in my direction and I am peered at like some slightly exotic fish in an aquarium!

So now I am Horatius, standing firm upon my bridge and defying all and sundry to pass by my flat.

Well maybe not. But I shall be glad when the hedge has grown again and I am not so exposed to public scrutiny.

And he hasn't cleared up all the mess either.


(But he did manage to avoid chopping through the internet cable, unlike last time!)

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