Barriers & cones

We spent some considerable time waiting here for a no 35 bus - initial indications by the bus trackers changed from 5 min to 20 min wait. (And then two of them turned up, one only doing a part route. Probably some sort of problem so one was going to take over from the other). While we were there a man delivered barriers, cones etc - I did wonder if they were going to make a start on fixing the appalling road surface on the Shore, but no, when we returned it was just the pavement they were digging up. Oh well.

We were headed up to the Lauriston building to give a pint each of our finest - it had been a six month wait for me as last time I was very slightly deficient in iron. Plenty of the stuff this time, happily. Duty done, we headed home with our Tunnocks teacakes.

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