
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 53/76
Main activity: Fri - errands, pool, around the house
Notes: Slept nearly 11 hrs (not quite all the way thru) and didn't get out of bed till after 8a. Decided to head out for errands in case hives keep getting worse where I can't get out and was hoping places quieter than the weekend. Headed to the produce stand for only arugula (haven't gotten in weeks) and a pear. On to Food Patch then and got a handful of things. Last second, pulled into Aldi on the way back for a few more things. Back and decided to try the pool and see if a little sunshine would be good for me and help my skin - stayed about 40 min and seemed ok. Shower then and skin definitely reacting more (maybe the hot water). Had coffee and watched Janine and then felt the need to do another healing meditation and laid down for awhile. After that, heated up the other 1/2 of the Banza pizza I made last week and had an arugula salad with. Heard from Jo on Telegram then - she's been going thru some emotional and physical extreme stuff as well (no surprise there). Watched some videos thru the afternoon, texted back & forth some w/ Kathy Ray and then did the chakra meditation again (from yesterday). Finished "Six Feet Under" - it was striking but didn't bring the strong emotion from when I watched it many years ago. To bed around 10p.

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