Bus Challenge No 202

The Wonderful World of the Ladybird Book Artists, Victoria Art Gallery, Bath - https://www.victoriagal.org.uk/event/wonderful-world-ladybird-book-artists

With (a lot!) of persuasion got Dad off to daycare and then took the bus into Bath with my BC friend to visit this wonderful exhibition. Everybody in the gallery was going round pointing out books they remembered from their childhood. My collage shows just some of the books that brought back memories for me, and of course, following on from 30th Jan, The Little Red Hen had to have pride of place. My first extra shows the complete wall of Ladybird books, and my second extra shows Pulteney Bridge and a very high River Avon. After more torrential rain overnight, the  local rivers are in flood again.

Total bus journey time = 56mins

Thank you so much for all your kind words yesterday, am still coming to terms with the sad news, such a shock, I’d spoken to Aunty K only 11 days before.

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