A kitty, a car and an old picture
When visiting my parents last week, we sorted some old pictures from my grandmother's collection. I offered to take the old negatives to scan and play with as I am trying to learn PS better...
This picture was taken somewhere around 1949 guessing at the age of my mother in the pictures. From the other pictures, my mother was wasting film taking a bunch of pictures of her cat and dog around the yard. Some are also of her dressed for school and with her lunch sack. This one is my favorite with the old car in the driveway.
I believe this is also from the same camera I have inherited from my grandmother. An old Kodak large format folding bed film camera. Looking at the film size, I think it is the No.2C Autographic Kodak Jr shooting 130 roll film cartridge. When my sister uncovered from a box many years ago, there was still film in it which she developed and produced some good images. I begged to keep the camera and I have some of those pictures somewhere.
By a street sign, I was also able to find the location on Google Maps! Some of the houses even look old though mostly rebuilt or new.
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