
On my to do list is finding 63 photographs of J, that can be used for the funeral service. This is a really tough one, and is taking me time. I have thousands of photographs of J scattered across my digital photo albums. So I am being very selective. Prior to going digital I took slides for a number of years and which are all in the loft (I’m not looking at those). Prior to that I have packets of prints which I don’t think I’ve looked at since they were printed (I’m not looking at those either). And prior to that I’ve got photo albums, and I will look at some of those and photograph a few of those old prints. That will leave me with far too many images, so I am then going to have to be super selective to get to the final 63.

I have not printed and framed any images of anything over the years, it was always something I intended to do but had no time, so I’ve no image of J (or of anyone or anything else) on display in the house. That I am going to have to rectify, and very soon. So this selection process has another purpose.

I don’t think that J would have wanted me to use any good images of her for a blip (she avoided social media, and wasn’t into promoting herself at all) and so - whilst I’ve wanted to say something about what I’m doing as it’s been a major exercise - I’ve mangled the image so that it’s unfocused and difficult to interpret. She would have been OK with this I think. The irony is - and I am biased of course - she was very photogenic.

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