Ahoy there!

An anxious morning for Nate as he got worked up about the carnival parade around the neighbourhood. He gets overwhelmed by it all, bless him. We were back at school for 10,30 to follow the desfile which was fun. The police escort meant to kids could fill the road. The entire school were dressed as pirates, with accompanying pirate music blasting. Along the way we collected another school, a nursery and a centre for adults with additional learning needs - everyone dressed up and with their own sound system. We paraded past a hospital, with the old folks sat outside in chairs to watch, and past the old folks home too, them watching as well.
Once back in the playground there was a party of tortilla and orange juice, and general mayhem!
We bumped into one of our homeless friends during the parade, he wondered what on earth he'd stumbled across, ha!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Nate pushing through despite nerves.
2) Meeting Sole's newest granddaughter.
3) Community spirit. 

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