Taking a picture whilst taking a picture

Some special friends gave this camera to Asha when she was tiny, maybe 4 years old?? It's still going strong! Nate's been enjoying it these past few days. This is very much an EB!
A morning with the ES guys then back to town where I saw L. Heroin is an awful drug, she looked especially like she was struggling today. We had a hug and she gave me a huge kiss and held my hands. What a privilege. 
The afternoon was spent helping Nate create a pirate outfit for the parade at school. He's nervous about how loud it'll be (it will be!!).
Gemma was over for community dinner which was good. And then a 2 hour zoom for the chaplaincy course - great discussion!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Moving conversation at the ES coffee.
2) Danny taking Asha to go do her work in the café..
3) The variety of people and experiences on the zoom. 

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