I had a lampshade moment

It's grey, wet, & miserable outside. Indie & I managed our walk without getting soaked this morning. Back at base, Mum had misplaced her reading glasses. Sweep one room at a time ... Sitting rooom first, nope. Bathroom, nope. I had a lightbulb moment .... " Mum, where is your box of pencils, & colouring in book?" .... There they were. :-D
We spent some time on the jigsaw puzzle this morning, then I cooked Mum's lunch. She's quite happy to have her main meal at lunchtime, which means I have to stay longer but at least I know she is eating healthily. She prepared fresh strawberries for her tea, later.
Back home, lunch, ironing, then I swapped the lampshades around. Removed the wired coloured glass pebbles from the lounge lampshade, replaced with the Ikea purchase of a couple of weeks back. Lounge lampshade to spare bedroom. Spare bedroom lampshade will be dusted, outside when the rain ceases, then might get a makeover.
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