
After being rudely awakened last night by water pouring through one of the bedroom ceilings I was quite glad to have a day off today, even if I did spend a lot of it running.

The roofer was suitably unhappy, and also claimed to have had a sleepless night after I let him know he needed to be here asap this morning. He did seem fairly genuine, as he said, leaving someone without a waterproof roof is his worst nightmare.  I will need to talk to him about either an insurance claim (his) or a reduction in the price as I need to get part of the ceiling repapered / plastered and painted, and probably the carpet cleaned. I'll have that conversation when they've finished..

I could do without my WI AGM tonight as I'm completely wiped out but it's important to go so I'll hopefully be able to leave early.

Leaks aside, they are making progress. And I really liked the tile colour.

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