Salalah - I was done!

When we got to the Salalah departure lounge, in 2014, I bought a sweatshirt which said L - Large on the packet.
I didn't open the packet until I got home and realised it is 'Small' size, or maybe even 'Child' size!!.
Even thought I've lost 2 stone since then there is no way it's going to fit me, I've never even tried it on as it is obvious the sleeves only come down to half way between my elbow and wrist! I was done HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
So here we are, 10 years later and I thought that if it didn't fit me then it's not going to fit me, ever. So I asked the family if anyone wanted it and Johanna is going to have it for Ruby or Eric.
If no-one wanted it I was going to put it into the raffle at the next RAF Masirah and RAF Salalah Veterans Association, probably around September.

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