David J. Rose

By djrose007

Gymnastics Display

Today was presentation of patches and certificates for passing through another phase in the girls gymnastic after school club.
Bella saw me raise the camera (phone) and ducked behind the girl in front of her, you can just see the purple of her gymnastics top and shorts just in front of the girl in black, on the left.
Hetty either didn't spot me, or didn't care. She is in pink on the right.
They both performed superbly and the instructors want them to attend the Sunday sessions which are a bit more advanced but, me being rather selfish, said that I am often out on Sundays. 
I didn't take any photos of them actually doing any display of their talents as Julia had asked me to take some video for her to see, she's over in Suffolk preparing for her officer training course that starts towards the end of February.

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