
Six years ago I sowed four seeds of Iris kuschakewicii.  Two days ago I noticed the first bud pushing upwards and felt a bit crestfallen thinking I would miss seeing the flower.  A day indoors today sorted that but it will return to the greenhouse in the morning.   A Juno Iris, bulbous with thick, fleshy, semi-permanent roots and finer annual feeding roots.  The foliage is very leek-like.   Most Junos need a warm dry rest and some are very susceptible to rots but there are a few species that can be grown in UK gardens.  This is not one of those.

A day of preparations.  Jamie has planned surgery on Thursday so we are travelling to Hull tomorrow.  The longest time away from Wales for me since I moved here, we'll be there at least ten days.  Much to pack, especially for Jamie who must prepare for his post-op state which will require some adjustments to his routine for a little while.   I think we are both well on the way to being ready although I have a few last minute jobs to complete.

The car is fixed - expensive but aren't they always.  I trudged through heavy rain to collect it but had the reward of a kiln emptying afterwards.  Very happy indeed with the outcomes, they may feature as 'filler blips' while we are away.   

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