
Last year I identified this as a particularly nice Crocus sieberi and separated it from the others in that seed pot.  This year the corm has produced two shoots so there should be two corms at the end of the season.  If this form would do that every year I might be onto a winner ... as if!

A day that started early.  I was also early for my booking at the garage ... 24 hours early!   Hoping there are no problems tomorrow as the brakes must be fixed before I head off to Hull on Wednesday.   Fingers crossed, no more delays.   I popped into pottery and finished the glazing of the last of this batch of pieces, a different kind of fish vase - extra pic.  Six items in the kiln as I write.  Much of the rest of the day was preparing for the trip to Hull where Jamie is having surgery on Thursday.   Three loads of laundry, not that it's been drying weather :-/   Packing started, lists made, Jamie collected from the station and later fed.   I mixed compost for the many packets waiting after the seed arrived from the two alpine plant/bulb exchanges and will plant some after I post this.   

So it's goodnight from him!

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