Sea view and poetry

Sunshine this morning - wahey! Walked down to Atlantis Leisure for the weekly Strength & Balance session - I suppose it's doing some good but it's not really that much fun!

After talking to a friend at the supermarket on Saturday I'd arranged to attend the monthly get-together of the U3A Poetry Group this afternoon, at her house on the Isle of Seil. I was given a lift by the organising lady and a car load of four drove down to the house where we made ourselves comfortable in her sitting room.  I can't image a better view from a window - looking out over the Garvellachs. 

They had asked a local poet to come along to read some of his poetry, but before he arrived the various folk present read poetry that they had brought along - the theme was 'The Sea'. I hadn't realised that this was to happen so hadn't brought anything, but I did read out three of my limericks which had a vaguely nautical theme!

The poet read a number of his poems, but they were somewhat over my head, I think.  Very good, but the sort of thing I would need to study carefully to fully understand their meaning.

As we got ready to leave, our driver found that one of the passengers in another car had accidentally taken her jacket, together with her car keys! Hmmm. It took a long time to sort that one out so I was rather later home than I'd expected!

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