
Pleased that yesterday’s blip of the Morris Minor Traveller brought back so many happy memories. And thank you again for all your care and compassion with Doreen. We went to see her this afternoon. She was a little brighter and had eaten her breakfast and some lunch. We just don’t know how much time she has left.

Earlier we’d been into town to collect our new glasses and sign our wills. Susan visited the sewing shop where she bought wool for her next woolly jumper - having finished her lovely bright yellow one. I’ll have to blip it!

Lots of blip opportunities is a sewing shop with the different coloured yarns and cottons as well as loads of fabrics. This is the fabric which was laid out on the cutting table. It had a bold pattern, disrupted by being folded which gave an interesting image. There was also a very nicely knitted plate of cakes and a teacup with a knitted biscuit and a attractive collection of colourful glittery wool which almost made the cut.

It may well qualify for Tiny Tuesday, being of a sentiment that is dear to us all and which is much needed in the world. Thanks to Nicoiseannie and ApolloFly for hosting for February’s Tiny Tuesday

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