Waitangi Day Dawn……

A Special day in Aotearoa, New Zealand. I listened to the Dawn Service at Waitangi in real time on the radio as I walked the Taylor River tracks with Maisie this morning. Another early walker can be seen striding out over the dry grassed areas. The temperature was predicted to reach 35C in Blenheim so there were lots of walkers, dogs and cyclists out walking early to beat the heat. Later in the morning friend Dawn and I took a tour of new subdivisions along Taylor Pass Road and checked out tracks beside the river nearer the Taylor Dam. We finished off our morning with lunch at the Mitre 10 cafe. The temperature in the shade in my porch reached over 34C. It is still very hot this evening. Thank goodness for indoor the cooling system. The cats and Maisie certainly appreciate it . Hopefully it will be a little cooler tomorrow.

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