Mono Monday: Week 524 ...

... Thick.

Sometimes the squirrels are thick as thieves ... and other times they are few and far between.

Today was the latter.

It wasn't until later in the day that I was happy with any of the squirrel photos I took.  Don't you just love this ones thick, bushy tail!?!  I know I do.

Thanks to Laurie54 for hosting Mono Monday this month.  

Here's a few squirrel jokes as I know you love a good joke:

Why don’t people like it when squirrels chew things?  It’s a-gnaw-ing.
What did one squirrel’s family say after he came back from the movie theater?   “Tail us all about it!”
How do you stop squirrels playing football in the garden?  Hide the ball, it drives them nuts!

In other news ... R has a procedure at the hospital tomorrow which will involve an overnight stay.  And hopefully all will go well and he is released on Wednesday as scheduled. 

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